Practical Small Animals Ultrasonography. Abdomen 2nd Edition
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Practical Small Animals Ultrasonography. Abdomen 2nd Edition

38,94 € ebook
56,05 € Impreso
56,05 € (impuestos inc.)
59,00 €-5% 53,89 € (impuestos excl.)
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Practical small animal ultrasonography. Abdomen aims at being a quick visual guide to abdominal ultrasound in dogs and cats. The different chapters have been grouped according to the anatomical area being examined. Each chapter contains the technique and normal appearance, examples of variations from normal, and technique exercises where applicable. Quite a few images per chapter and videos with scanning techniques enrich this practical work. 2nd edition includes up-to-date content, a new section on portosystemic shunts and new video.

Panagiotis Mantis

Panagiotis (Pete) Mantis is Head of Diagnostic Imaging at Dick White Referrals, one of the biggest referral hospitals in the United Kingdom. He is a European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging, an RCVS Recognised Specialist in Diagnostic Imaging, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of the Royal College of Veteriary Surgeons. Dr Mantis is a regular author, speaker and tutor on the subjects of small animal radiology, ultrasonography, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

Pete Mantis graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, in 1994. Between 1995 and 1998 he completed a small animal diagnostic imaging residency at the Royal Veterinary College in London. After completing his residency, Dr Mantis worked in first opinion practices and referral hospitals in London providing an emergency and diagnostic imaging consultancy service.

In 1999, and for a year, he was part time radiologist at the Department of Clinical Radiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish Agricultural University in Uppsala. In 2000, he joined the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the Royal Veterinary College where he became Senior Lecturer in Radiology and remained. He joined Dick White Referrals in 2017, where he is the Head of Diagnostic Imaging.

His research covers all areas of imaging including radiography, ultrasonography, MRI and CT. Publications include retrospective and prospective studies. Dr Mantis is currently involved in a research project looking at ultrasonography of the canine and feline skin.

1. Machine set-up

Before using the machine

Machine buttons and knobs

A few quick notes


2. Holding the transducer and transducer movements

Holding the transducer

Transducer movements


3. Liver and gallbladder

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

Portosystemic Shunts

4. Spleen

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

5. Gastrointestinal tract

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

6. Pancreas

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

7. Kidneys and ureters

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

8. Adrenal glands

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

9. Urinary bladder and urethra

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

Table of contents

10. Peritoneal cavity, lymph nodes and major abdominal vessels

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

11. Prostate gland and testes

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal

12. Ovaries, uterus and mammary glands

Scanning technique

Normal appearance

Variations from normal


Mammary glands

13. Overview of abdominal ultrasonography

Preparation of the examination

Recommended procedure for abdominal ultrasound examination

Video 1. Liver and gallbladder technique

Video 2. Evaluation for portosystemic shunt

Video 3. Stomach technique

Video 4. Spleen technique

Video 5. Left limb of the pancreas technique

Video 6. Left kidney technique

Video 7. Left adrenal technique

Video 8. Medial iliac lymph node technique

Video 9. Urinary bladder technique

Video 10. Prostate technique

Video 11. Uterus technique

Video 12. Intestines technique

Video 13. Right kidney technique (small dog)

Video 14. Right adrenal technique (small dog)

Video 15. Right pancreas technique (small dog)

Video 16. Right kidney technique (large dog)

Video 17. Right adrenal technique (large dog)

Video 18. Right pancreas technique (large dog)

Video 19. Body of the pancreas technique

14. Recommended further reading

  • Autor/es Panagiotis Mantis
  • Fecha de edición febrero 2022
  • Nº Páginas 192
  • Encuadernación Tapa dura
  • Tamaño 22 X 28
  • Idioma Inglés
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