Practical atlas of nutrition and feeding in cats and dogs Volume I
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Practical atlas of nutrition and feeding in cats and dogs Volume I

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Who said that nutrition is boring? Not in this book! Here we have transformed nutrition into a series of graphic pages, with simple and concise text and several diagrams, drawings and images, by which the veterinarian can see all of the fundamental aspects of nutrition in dogs and cats. From digestive physiology and dietary behavior, the evaluation of body condition and morphometric measurements, to the characterization of the immediate principals and the description of the energy and nutrient requirements, this atlas is a succession of pages with an immense richness in information and visuals that will enable the reader to enjoyably deepen their knowledge about pet nutrition.

Roberto Elices Mínguez

PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM), Spain. Professor of Production and Companion Animal Nutrition.

Veterinarian in the Small Animal Medicine Department (Endocrinology and Obesity) of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the School of Veterinary Medicine of Madrid (UCM). Small animal veterinarian in private clinics.

1. Practical management of feeding

How should we feed our pets?

Learning to eat

Strategies to stimulate ingestion (I)

Strategies to stimulate ingestion (II)

2. Feeding for reproduction

Nutritional management of breeding animals

Feeding pregnant females

Fats and proteins during pregnancy

Minerals and vitamins in pregnancy

Feeding management for pregnant pets and possible pathologies

3. Feeding lactating females

Females in lactation: colostrum and milk

Energy requirements during lactation (I)

Energy requirements during lactation (II)

Nutrients and management during lactation

4. Feeding puppies and kittens

Puppy and kitten growth

Weight gain in puppies and kittens

Lactation and milk replacements

Enzymatic development of the digestive system

Requirements during growth (I)

Requirements during growth (II)

Food management in puppies and kittens

5. Feeding geriatric animals

The aging process

How does food restriction affect aging?

Gastrointestinal changes due to aging

Other systemic changes of aging

Requirements in healthy geriatric animals (I)

Requirements in healthy geriatric animals (II)

Cognitive dysfunction syndrome

Nutrients to fight CDS (I)

Nutrients to fight CDS (II)

6. Feeding sporting and working dogs

Sporting dogs

Effects of exercise on digestion and the metabolism

Changes associated with training

Obtaining ATP for exercise

How much energy does a dog spend when running?

Factors increasing ER when running

Temperature and energy requirements in exercise

Nutrients for exercise: water and proteins

Nutrients for exercise: fats and FAs

Nutrients for exercise: carbohydrates and fiber

Vitamins and minerals for exercise

Management of feeding in sporting dogs

  • Autor/es Roberto Élices Mínguez
  • Fecha de edición febrero 2017
  • Nº Páginas 96
  • Encuadernación Tapa dura
  • Tamaño 24 X 33
  • Idioma Inglés

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