Mª del Mar Blanco Gutiérrez
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Since starting her professional career, she has focused her teaching and research on Microbiology and Immunology. She teaches undergraduate and master’s degree students, and has also taught specialised training seminars. She has participated in several teaching assignments in Italy, Portugal, France and Belgium through the Erasmus programme. She has also co-written and translated several books on veterinary medicine, and designed and elaborated learning materials as part of teaching innovation projects. She is the author of numerous articles published in international academic and specialist journals and of review articles. She has been a visiting researcher at several European and US institutions, where she focused her activity on the study of different aspects of the pathogen-host interaction.
José Antonio Orden Gutiérrez
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. His research focuses on Microbiology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases. He has published more than 65 articles in journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports, and is one of the main authors of approximately half of them. He is also the author of several articles published in scientific journals and specialised magazines in Spain and has participated in the writing of several books. He was a visiting researcher at the Washington State University (USA), where he worked on molecules for lymphocyte differentiation. He teaches undergraduate students – mainly the subject of Infectious Diseases – as well as Master’s degree and postgraduate students.
Mª Teresa Cutuli de Simón
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. Head of the Mycology Unit of the Microbiology and Clinical Parasitology Service at the UCM Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Active collaborator in the development of new teaching methods, such as the Laboratorio Virtual de Microbiología Veterinaria, Inmunotrivial: básico and Inmunotrivial: avanzado y Virópolis, as part of the UCM’s projects for innovation in education. Coauthor of several books: Manual de Microbiología Veterinaria, Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria and Guía práctica para Identificación y Diagnóstico en Micología Clínica; and of numerous publications in her field. She specialises in the laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections that essentially affect cats and dogs. Her research focuses on the biocontrol of ticks and the study of pathogen-host interaction in lactococcosis in trouts.
Ana Doménech Gómez
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. She teaches the subjects of Immunology and Infectious Diseases to both undergraduate and master’s degree students. She is the subject coordinator for Veterinary Virology for the UCM’s master’s degree in Virology. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society for Virology (Sociedad Española de Virología, SEV) and a member of the European Society for Virology and European Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians. She has coauthored the Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria and has participated in the UCM’s project for innovation in education with computer and smartphone games such as Immunotrivial básico, Immunotrivial avanzado, Virópolis: un juego para saber más sobre Virología and Epidemia vir(tu)al. Her research focuses on animal retroviruses in both feline and ovine species, more specifically the study of the pathogenesis and immune response, and on the development of diagnostic methods and new treatments such as interferon. In addition, she is the author of numerous scientific articles published in international scientific journals and has collaborated in books, articles for specialised magazines and review articles on retroviruses.
Gustavo Domínguez Bernal
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. He currently teaches the subjects of Immunology and Infectious Diseases to both undergraduate and master’s degree students. He is an active participant in the dissemination of science to the public; he has collaborated in initiatives such as the Science Week in Spain and developed new methods of computer-assisted learning as part of projects for innovation in education. He is the author of numerous scientific articles published in international journals and of review articles about the interaction between pathogens and host cells. He has also been a visiting researcher in different European countries. His research currently focuses on the design of new vaccine strategies against viruses (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory syndrome), bacteria (Salmonella) and protozoans (Leishmania) that affect different animal species.
Alicia Gibello Prieto
Degree in Biology from the UCM. She completed her PhD studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the same university. She mainly teaches the subjects of Microbiology and Immunology to undergraduate and master’s degree students, as well as specialised training seminars. She has also coauthored and translated several books on veterinary immunology, and designed and elaborated learning materials as part of teaching innovation projects in the field of Microbiology and Immunology. Her research focuses on the use of microogranisms in bioremediation and on the pathogen-host relationship in diseases that affect aquaculture, mainly in terms of new diagnostic systems, virulence and/or pathogenicity mechanisms and the host’s immune response. She is the author of numerous scientific articles published in Spanish and international journals and of articles for specialist magazines. She completed her scientific training by carrying out research visits at different institutions of the United Kingdom: the University of Leicester and the Institute of Food Research in Reading.
Esperanza Gómez-Lucía Duato
Professor of Animal Health, she has taught the subjects of Microbiology and Immunology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UCM since the beginning of her teaching career 30 years ago. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Society for Virology (SEV), Group for the History of Virology (Grupo de Historia de la Virología, GHV) and Group for the Teaching and Dissemination of Virology (Grupo de Docencia y Difusión de la Microbiología, D+D SEM). She is also a member of the European Society for Virology. She consolidated her training with prolonged research visits at several universities in the USA, such as the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Harvard University (Massachusetts), Oregon Health Sciences University and University of California, Davis. She is a coauthor of the games and computer programmes Laboratorio Virtual de Microbiología Veterinaria, Virópolis: un juego para saber más sobre Virología, Inmunotrivial básico e Inmunotrivial avanzado y Epidemia vir(tu)al. She is also the coordinator of the Manual de Inmunología Veterinaria and of the master’s degree programme in Virology. Her research focuses on animal retroviruses, in particular in cattle, small ruminants and felines species.
Guadalupe Miró Corrales
Degree and PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. Diplomate of the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC) and head of the Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Unit of the UCM Veterinary Teaching Hospital. She is also a founding member and president of the European Canine Leishmaniasis Working Group (LEISHVET). She is the Spanish representative of the ESCCAP (European Scientific Council Companion Animal Parasites) and president of the Spanish delegation (ESCCAP Spain). She is the author of several books and numerous scientific publications and monographs on parasitic and infectious diseases in small animals. She specialises in health control programmes for cats and dogs housed in groups and carries out her research on several zoonoses such as leishmaniasis, toxoplasmosis and parasitic gastroenteritis.
Isabel Simarro Fernández
Professor of Animal Health. She focuses her teaching on the fields of Infectious Diseases, Preventive Medicine, Health Control, Zoonosis and Public Health. She participates in the master’s degree programme in Virology as the subject coordinator for Veterinary Virology. Member of the SEV. She is an elected member of the Board of Directors of the UCM Veterinary Teaching Hospital and was the head of the Microbiology and Parasitology Unit from its opening (1998) until September 2006. She has published more than 40 articles indexed in scientific citation databases as well as other works published in Spanish journals and specialist magazines, and has participated in the writing of several books.