Management of Complications Associated with Elevation of the Maxillary Sinus
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Management of Complications Associated with Elevation of the Maxillary Sinus

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When reduced dimension implants are not indicated in the atrophic posterior maxilla, because of the relevant reduction of residual alveolar crest volumes following atrophy and/or expansion of the maxillary sinus, sinus floor elevation with a crest or lateral approach has become a quite frequent surgical procedure in implant dentistry. These surgical procedures, although reliable, may expose also experienced surgeons to complications such as:

1) sinus membrane tears;

2) penetration/migration of implants into their maxillary sinus;

3) post-operative maxillary sinusitis.

The main objective of this webinar is to provide clinicians useful information as regards the prevention and management of these complications.

  • Tipo de curso Webseminars on demand
  • Duración 90 min.
  • Idioma Inglés