Broiler Meat Inspection
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Broiler Meat Inspection

14,00 € Impreso
14,00 € (impuestos inc.)
55,00 €-74,54% 13,46 € (impuestos excl.)
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Technical book on avian inspection, written by an author with a wide experience in this field, which tackles the most important findings recorded and reported during broiler meat inspection at abattoirs. After an introduction about poultry inspection, the book describes the most significant conditions (pathologies, rejections due to poor processing, offal for human consumption) found during broiler inspection. Each chapter is divided into three parts clearly differentiated: definition, origin, and responsibilities arising for veterinarian/inspector. A chapter entirely dedicated to animal welfare is included in this book. It is focused on the major aspects to be considered by veterinarian/inspector under compliance with current legislation. Therefore, it is intended to provide a complete book with an accurate practical guidance which helps the veterinarian in his daily work at abattoir.

Antonio Lara Moreno

He was awarded a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Cordoba (Spain) and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Maisons-Alfort (Paris, France) in 1998. He is specialist in animal production and food hygiene, and acquired extensive professional experience in the UK since 1999 in the area of health inspection, particularly in the meat industry sector. Its main functions are focused on verifying the implementation of European Community legislation on animal and public health, with special attention to animal welfare and ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection of domestic animals for human consumption. In 2001, he integrated the veterinary port inspection team of Southampton (England) in the control of animal products imported from third countries. Between 2004 and 2013, he specialises in the health inspection of poultry during slaughter in abattoirs.

1. Introduction to poultry inspection
2. Animal welfare
3. Congenital malformations
4. Arthritis, tenosynovitis and other joint lesions
5. Cellulitis
6. Dermatitis and pododermatitis
7. Airsacculitis
8. Pericarditis
9. Emaciation
10. Hepatitis
11. Peritonitis and perihepatitis
12. Ascites
13. Septicaemia and toxaemia
14. Other pathologies

  • Pendulous crop
  • Badly bled
  • Anasarca
  • Nutritional muscular dystrophy
  • or white muscle disease
  • Ruptured gastrocnemius tendon
  • or green leg
  • Oregon disease
  • Breast blister
  • Enteritis
  • Fatty liver syndrome
  • Tumours

15. Others

  • Poultry feet and offal for human
  • consumption
  • Other rejections due to poor processing
  • Overscalding
  • Poor plucking
  • Contamination
  • Machine damage and bruising
  • Meat fallen on the floor
  • References
  • Autor/es Antonio Lara Moreno
  • Fecha de edición diciembre 2014
  • Nº Páginas 136
  • Encuadernación Tapa dura. Wire-o
  • Tamaño 17 X 24
  • Idioma Inglés
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