Jose Pedreira
He graduated and obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), and carries out his research work at the Department of Animal Pathology of the School of Veterinary Medicine of Lugo (USC). He is the author of numerous scientific articles in specialised national and international journals, as well as of articles for the general public. He participated as a coordinator on a project aimed at creating, promoting and providing consultancy services to cattle health groups (ADSGs, Agrupaciones de Defensa Sanitaria Ganaderas) in Galicia, which led to the publication of a manual of actions for veterinary surgeons from the different ADGSs. He has completed research fellowships in Spanish universities and at the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) of Tours (France) in order to study the resistance of strongyles to anthelmintics in ruminants. He is currently participating in a research project about different aspects of bovine cryptosporidiosis and coccidiosis and also works as a consultant on dairy milk and swine operations in A Coruña (Spain).
Pablo Díaz
He graduated and obtained his PhD in Veterinary Medicine from the USC. He works as a Professor for the USC and teaches and researches at the Department of Animal Pathology. He completed his research training with long-term research fellowships at national (Zaragoza, León) and international universities (Sassari, Bologna) as well as at the Cryptosporidium Reference Unit in the United Kingdom. His research focuses on the epidemiology, diagnosis, prevention and control of parasitic and infectious diseases in domestic and wild animals, and more particularly on intestinal protozoal diseases. His work has led to the publication of numerous articles in national and international specialised journals.